Holding Steady
Not a whole lot to report, but getting a lot of people checking in today, so I thought I would post a little update. I rested a lot over the weekend and was grateful for the quiet and ability to rest.
I spent most of Monday and Tuesday in bed, but did go in for fluids and blood work on Monday. My numbers were expectedly high, a few days after my post-chemo Neulasta injection. Yesterday and today my temperature has been up and down, but hasn't cracked 100. This is exactly what happened last time, so I'm not too worried. Obviously, it's not fun feeling feverish so I've just been laying around watching Netflix until today.
When I went in today my numbers were way down, much like last time, but not in the danger zone yet. My white blood cells were around 5, neutrophils were fine (I forget what they were) and my hemoglobin was low (9.4) but not in the danger zone yet. So, we'll see where everything is on Friday when I go back. I'm hoping everything plateaus over the weekend like it did last time. It's hard not to proceed without caution, considering this was my last chemo, but my immune system is still shot and I'm susceptible to every little thing out there so I'm trying to be careful, especially in public, at James's daycare, etc. I cannot wait to not obsess over germs.
The wheezing in my lungs hasn't manifested itself into anything. My nose was a teeny stuffy for a couple of days, but now it's fine. That's about it. I'll keep going in for fluids and to get my numbers checked on Friday and Monday then will meet with the doctor and get my numbers checked on the 15th. I suppose the hope is at that point that I'm told I can restart my Herceptin infusions every three weeks and get this show on the road.
I'm meeting with my plastic surgeon again in a couple of weeks and he said we'll schedule my reconstruction for the first week in October. I may have already reported that, but I don't remember. :) That's the latest. Hopefully I'll have not much to report after I got my numbers checked on Friday!