A Week Out
Well, hello there! I'm now just more than a week out from surgery and doing pretty well. I had my first post-op appointment yesterday and the doctor said everything is looking good. While we were expecting no drains or maybe one drain on the right, I woke up with two, which was kind of a bummer. So, for the last week I've had to drain and measure the output twice a day. When we went to the appointment yesterday I was nervous he wasn't going to take them out, but he ultimately decided to. This time it was much more painful coming out (I hadn't taken any pain pills that day so perhaps that was the problem), but I'm much more comfortable with them out. The spots where they were are really itchy and a bit painful at the moment, but hopefully that will subside in the next few days.
Speaking of pain pills, I'm barely taking them and am not in too rough of shape. Yesterday I was gone all day -- first to my Perjata infusion and then to my post op and my incision cites definitely were bothering me more than when I'm just laying around.
Dr. Sherbert said I need to do nothing for one more week at least so everything can heal and settle. I'll see him again next Wednesday and we'll see where I'm at. Apparently the left side had a lot of scar tissue that he had to cut through -- thus why it took longer and why I ultimately had a drain on the side. So, that side's a little bumpy, but he said it would smooth out within the next four months
I'm still at my sister's for now, and she's taking great care of me, of course. I stopped at my house quickly between appointments yesterday and it was strange to be home! I'll head home for good in a few days and ease back into 'normal' life.
That's about it. Watching lots of home improvement shows and reading a little. It's been nice to spend time with my sister's family. The boys like to watch cooking shows with me at night, which is fun.
Thanks for everyone who sent encouraging texts, cards, gifts, etc. A couple of friends shared the ol' Go Fund Me account last week and those donations will certainly be put to good use. I never anticipated being out of work for this long so to say it's much appreciated is an understatement.
I missed the hottest of the weather, so hopefully the milder warm temps will stick around long enough for me to enjoy! Have a good weekend, everyone. :)